måndag 19 januari 2009

Hahahha "Bird tragically dead"

This was the most comic new I've ever read. An old lady told the newspaper that a bird tragically died because of the construction of a food vessel.

I mean, who the hell cares if a bird died? It wasn't even a orotected species, but let's sayit had been close to extintion, I don't think people would care anyway. Would you for example?

But the most fun part is that the newspaper even takes time to write it, and on top of that it almost puts the article at the top of their internet page!

måndag 22 december 2008

The shoe attack on George W B. was good

Sometimes some people complain when it isn't necessary and when they've done much worse themselves. A good example of that is Mr. Bush who was attacked by a man who threw a shoe on him or something like that.

Appearently he didn't like it, I wouldn't either. Anyway, he reported it to the police and the person who attacked him might get 15 years in prison. Seriously!? 15 years for an exagerated joke!? I think Bush should think what he has done, he started two wars and sent thousands of people to death...

And besides of what I mentioned above, he, according to some people created the financial crisis that we have today, but there in this depression there are some who are doing good. The shoe manufacturer who made the shoe that attacked Bush is doing very good now and they have expanded a lot, since they god some good commercials.

According to this article it says that the manufacturer has expanded with 100 employes.

måndag 15 december 2008

Sweden in just a few days!

I'll go home to Sweden on friday! It'll be the first time I visit sweden for a bit more than 17 weeks! Whoaa! After having counted the weeks in my calendar in the phone I'm actually quite surprised, is it really 17 weeks? It more feels as if it is around 10 or something. Well, I guess the time goes fast when having fun and besides, the first term of the school year always goes so quickly, but not the second...that's the worst one...

lördag 13 december 2008

I had some interesting answers on an application on facebook that makes my friends to answer personal questions about me, here are some of the answers:

Question AnsweredWho Answered It!
Do you think Joakim smokes marijuana?
YES on 4:43pm
Find Out Who Said That!
Costs $50
Do you think Joakim has had a threesome?
YES on 1:56pm
Find Out Who Said That!
Costs $50
Do you think Joakim would fight for you?
NO on 11:09am
Find Out Who Said That!
Costs $50

How should that be interpret? According to these questions I think it seems like I'm some kind of ego-centric drug addict haha.

onsdag 10 december 2008

I recently talked to one of my friends, that made ma glad. Before talking to her, I was a bit displeased in all the schoolwork and by some other factors (such as the food). But now I am glad, whoa! I hadn't talked to her for around seven weeks nor seen her for eight.

Edit: For the ones who take time to read this blog, which I don't think there are, the reason for not seeing her in so long is because she lives in Strasbourg

Filip Åberg is always so stupid

Filip Åberg is so stupid. He recently asked med if if i watched some fallen forest, which i naturally didn't. What I watched was a zoomed in photo of the soil where it used to be a potato plantage in my garden. Once again, I hereby assign Filip Åberg stupid.

måndag 8 december 2008

The crisps in Belgium

There are many things in sweden that I miss, mostly my all my friends, but also the nature at the west coast I lived in (even though I lived in a quite urban area). I also miss the food, even though the food could be good here too.

But the crisps, Belgium sucks concerning that. During my whole stay here, I've only eaten 1-2 really good types of crisps. That is around 20% of all the crisps that I've tasted here. Honestly, how good is that? I think that this percentage would be around 75% in Sweden.

But on the other hand, the crisps are cheaper here, but now much. I'd guess they are around 30% cheaper. But it doesn't matter to me if I save 30% on my crisps consumption. I want good crisps and not cheap ones!